Plant Factory
What is a Plant Factory?
In plant factories, cultivation conditions such as light, temperature, humidity, CO2, nutrients and water are controlled to enable systematic, year-round cultivation of plants.
There are the following two types of plant factories:
1. “Artificial-light type,” where plants are grown using only artificial light in an enclosed environment
2. “Solar-light type,” where solar light is the main type of light used, and artificial light is used as a supplement, along with summer temperature-control technologies, etc. (including “solar/artificial-light-type” factories)

Project Outline
We study the combination of air conditioning systems to promote the introduction of plant factories in snowy areas. Also, we are developing new technologies in collaboration with companies and universities, and improving our technologies for the management of plant factories.


Best combination of different types of energy
Niigata Plant Factory (little-snow type/ much-snow type)

Remote-control center

Uonuma Plant Factory